Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Advanced Pathophysiology

so this is a preview of pretty much of what's taking most of my time, why I'm not working anymore. why i'm so jittery, and anxious, such a spazz. so this is chapter 7.. LOL.. i'm suppose to have chapters 4-20.. i only have 4-13 complete.. i have a long way to go.. before my first exam that covers 17 chapters this Saturday.. uGH.. passing is an 80. not to mention the case studies that were also done.. LOL.. a lot of typing.. rAH..

PathoCh7 Genetic Disorders

Case60 Down Syndrome


  1. hi there, any advice on studying for advanced pathophys?? I am struggling with our first exam. now we are delving into the organ systems...Thanks!

  2. I posted that first comment. by the way my email add is I also sent you an email.=) I desperately need a mentor to keep me going.=)
